Sable Casts Off

Week 3 – September 8th to September 15th (Tony) 

Lyon has to be one of the loveliest cities we’ve ever visited. Generally speaking we don’t enjoy cities, preferring the serenity of the countryside and small towns and villages. But Lyon really appealed. Geographically, it is set at the confluence of two rivers — the mighty Rhone, flushing cobalt glacial melt from high in the Alps and the sombre Saone, olive green and lethargic converging from the northwest. The old picturesque city, dating back to Roman times, nestles in the hillside on the right bank of the Saone the throbbing hub lies in the narrow strip between the two rivers whilst the new flourishing commercial heart spreads west across the Rhone valley. Anyone who knows me, knows I detest shopping. Lyon almost converted me. The shops, especially mens and womens fashions, including shoes, bags and accessories are so beautifully presented and reasonably priced we wished we’d left our laden, overweight baggage at home and replaced our entire wardrobe in Lyon.

We enjoyed dining out in what is reputedly the gastronomic capital of France. One meal was particularly memorable. Not only the food was delicious — our waitress was young and gorgeous and extremely professional. Her only blemish occurred as she cleared our table, knocking over my wine glass and spilling red wine over my trousers. She was mortified. I calmly tipped the carafe of water over my pants to prevent the stain spreading while the french lady at the next table exhorted the waitress to, “Take his trousers off!” To which Sally replied, “The last person who did that had to marry him.” We all ended up having a great conversation and lots of fun before we teetered off to our hotel, me looking as if I’d peed my pants.

We loved Lyon so much we extended our stay an extra day, then caught the train to Roanne. Sable is moored in the boat harbour there, along with twenty or so other boats. It is a delightful town and the people in the port are so friendly and helpful. Bob and Bea were stranded there for 71 days prior to our departure from Aus after the canal wall breached, requiring major repair works. We plan to return Sable here for the winter. It’s a great location, right at the end of the canal system yet handy to everywhere — Spain, Switzerland, South of France, when we get our car late November.

Today, Saturday, Bob and Bea are leaving for Paris then on to home in Florida with their big Doberman, Lilly. Everyone knows what I think of dogs, but I have to say Lilly is one of the best trained and best behaved dogs I have encountered. So far I’ve admitted to a change of heart over 3 aversions… am I going through a transition here? Every boat owner we’ve met here has been cruising the waterways of France for six years or more. Perhaps our plans to spend fifteen months here is going to require revision…

Sable is absolutely exactly what we dreamed of. Bob is an ex 747 captain and has documented and systemised everything, so as long as I don't forget the pre-float check list before we head off all should be fine. Sable’s spacious, comfortable and well fitted out. However, we did get on the scooters this afternoon and zipped over to the other side of town to buy new pillows, underblanket etc. The rest of the afternoon was spent vacuuming dog hair from every possible surface, crevice and covering we could think of.

Tomorrow we intend to head out into the waterways of France to begin our adventure. And the only thing missing is you.