/Week 12 — November 5th to 12th (Tony)
We've just spent the weekend in Switzerland. You've got to hand it to the Europeans, they have sorted out train travel. Just jump on a train and presto, a couple of hours later you are in another country. Swiss trains are like their clocks, precise and high quality. Perhaps the French could improve slightly, or maybe our lack of language skills got us on the wrong track. We caught a train that was supposedly going to Geneva and we were close enough to see the city in the distance and its famous water jet in the lake but when it reversed back out of a station and then veered off in the direction of Mont Blanc we realised we were not longer destined for Geneva. Apparently the train split in two at one of the stops and we were in the wrong section! Anyway, we saw a lot of beautiful Swiss countryside before we got off at the second stop and caught another train back towards Geneva that terminated in an outer suburb. We were grateful for the help rendered by an exchange student from Brazil who was escorting her parents back to Geneva for their flight home, otherwise we would never have managed the two tram changes to get us back to where we were supposed to be in order to catch the train to Bern.
Two hours late, we arrived in Bern to find Sophie, gorgeous as ever, to meet us. She led us off on a brisk walk around this beautiful city, Switzerland's capital, with its world-heritage listed main street and renowned old astronomical clock that has all these gizmos that go off on the hour. The shops are mostly along overhanging arcades and we were amazed at the number of crowded coffee lounges and quality restaurants. After a warming drink it was onto another train for the short ride to Burgdorf where Sophie's mum had prepared a delicious four-course meal featuring rösti, which Sally and Sophie didn't quite master when they tried to make it a year ago.
Next morning Sophie's step-dad, Robert, fresh off the plane from an around the world business trip, took everyone for a drive around the district including a fascinating visit to the Emmantaal cheese factory. Then, back to his fabulous home high on a hillside overlooking Burgdorf and picturesque farm country for an authentic Swiss fondue. After several times delaying our departure time for a later train, in each case preceded by another glass or two of wine, we staggered aboard a train bound back to Geneva, the doors closing on our arms before we had time to complete the hugs and kisses Sophie and her parents deserved. We will return. And hopefully, Sophie, Elisabeth and Robert will join us for a stint on the canals in France next summer.
There is no doubt about it, Switzerland has to be the most scenic country on earth. The autumn colours were gorgeous and we were surprised to find winter less advanced than in France where by now the trees are losing their leaves rapidly. Nevertheless we awoke in Geneva on Monday morning to a clear, fine day to find fresh snow on the mountains.
Life in Roanne is pleasant, improvements and maintenance tasks around Sable, visits to the gym and social engagements defray any possibility of boredom. We're looking forward to picking up our car in a couple of weeks and heading south to warmer climes; but most of all we can't wait for springtime, cranking up Sable and navigating the canals again.